Samurai Champloo: The Complete Series

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Rating: 4.8

List Price : $49.98 Price : $25.99
Samurai Champloo: The Complete Series

Samurai Champloo: The Complete Series

Product Description

Let’s break it down. Mugen’s a reckless sword-slinger with a style that’s more b-boy than Shaolin. He’s got a nasty streak that makes people want to stick a knife in his throat. Then there’s Jin, a deadbeat ronin who speaks softly but carries a big blade. He runs game old-school style, but he can make your blood spray with the quickness. When these roughnecks bring the ruckus, it ain’t good for anybody, especially them. Enter Fuu, the dizzy waitress who springs her new friends from a deadly jam. All she wants in return is help solving a riddle from her past. She and the boys are tracking the scent, but there’s ninety-nine ways to die between them and the sunflower samurai.

    Samurai Champloo: The Complete Series Reviews

    Samurai Champloo: The Complete Series Reviews
    Customer Reviews
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    59 of 63 people found the following review helpful:
    4.0 out of 5 stars Improved from the last release, NEW UPSCALE!, July 8, 2011
    Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
    I won't go into detail about the series because this is a review of this particular release. The last Blu-ray release of this series was poorly upscaled, but it appears Funimation has fixed the problem and re-upscaled the video for this set. Since the show was animated in standard definition it will never look spectacular, but this new upscale is probably the best we will see. Unlike the last set, the film grain remains intact with very few visual flaws from the upscale. If you already have the DVDs there is no real need to upgrade, but if you are on the fence about buying either the DVD or the Blu-ray, get this Blu-ray release.
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    51 of 55 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars Quietly Among the Best, April 9, 2011
    This review is from: Samurai Champloo: The Complete Series (DVD)
    If there ever was an anime series that will leave you saying "that was outstanding," this is it.

    There are so many components to this story that make it so.

    The artwork is gorgeous; the backdrops themselves seem to be characters in the story.

    The music, which is a mash-up of house, hip-hop, blues and jazz, adds so much depth to each episode that you may feel compelled to buy one of the series' four soundtracks just as I did.

    And then, there's the story itself: two rogue warriors - one who can barely control his emotions [Mugen] and another who is nearly emotionless -- the cipher (seemingly) without a soul [Jin] -- attempt to help a befuddled teenage girl [Fu] in her quest to find the "samurai who smells like sunflowers."

    Yes, similar stories have been told in many different formats for generations, but this version seems so fresh. During the 26 episode arc, you will find yourself caring about the main characters and... Read more
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    10 of 10 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars A must see!, August 7, 2011
    Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
    Samurai Champloo was one of those series I used to watch when I was at a young age during the time they aired on Adult Swim. I knew I loved the show, but I never really paid attention to the story since I was a kid back then. Watching it again in HD it is really beautiful to witness, you grow to love the main characters and I promise you won't regret watching this series. Samurai Champloo is on my Top 10 Anime List that I would want to watch again over a period of time.
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